冰點 Freezing Point

Title: Freezing Point
Director: LU Yu-Jui


This is a story about the workers in a cold storage, and about the first mate on an open-ocean fishing boat. The Chien-Chen fishing port was built in 1967; it was about that year when Taiwan fishing industry widely expanded and developed. This development brought a large number of cold storages. These cold storages were tasked with processing, freezing, and transporting the fish catch of squid, mackerel, and tuna.

Five years ago Shia-hua worked at a cold storage in Taiwan. Under his father's influence, he decided to board on a fishing trip to catch mackerel in the frosty waters of Hokkaido, Japan. It's June.

The characters of this story were Amis, one group of Taiwan's indigenous peoples from Eastern Taiwan who have devoted themselves to ocean fishing. It's an unspeakably hard life, indeed.







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